Minggu, 23 Mei 2010

False Awkening - So Far , So Close EP (2010)

Year : 2010
Genre : Ambient , Post-Rock

False Awkening dibentuk sendiri oleh julian, julian sangat banyak terinspirasi oleh band seperti Godspeedyou! Black emperor, ah, saya tak mau panjang lebar, langsung saja kunjungi myspace false awkening dan di sana kalian bisa mendonwload album ini secara gratis.

False Awkening established itself by julian, julian very much inspired by bands like Godspeedyou! Black Emperor, ah, I do not want to elaborate, just visit the myspace awkening false and there you can donwload this album for free.

Myspace , and you can download the album for free =)))

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