Minggu, 23 Mei 2010

SMILETRON - Contol (2010)

Year : 2010
Genre : Electro , Chiptune , 8-bit

hmm, ya seperti biasa, album album smiletron isi lagunya selalu dikit, hahaha yang album kemarin 5 track, sekarang cuma 3 track.. kenapa gak full album aja coba? LOL

hmm, as usual, album, album, song smiletron content is always a little, the previous album in the title ":]" only contains five tracks, and now only three tracks .. why not try a make full album? LOL
Myspace, and you can download the album in SMILETRON myspace

Year Of No Light - Ausserwelt (2010)

Year : 2010
Genre : Experimental , Instrumental , Post Rock , Shoegaze


For more information about this band, please go to this LINK

We Have Band - WHB (2010)

Year : 2010
Genre : Electronica , Indie , Dirty Disco yeah (lol)

Yaaay ! tambah lagi satu band inggris kesukaan saya. hahaha.. tapi cuma beda di genre aja sih,, yang biasanya britrock, britpop, kali ini britronica ( ha? memang ada ya?)

Yaaay! added another one my favorite British bands. LOL but only different in genre only. usually britrock, britpop,at this time is britronica (huh? whether britronica exist?)


False Awkening - So Far , So Close EP (2010)

Year : 2010
Genre : Ambient , Post-Rock

False Awkening dibentuk sendiri oleh julian, julian sangat banyak terinspirasi oleh band seperti Godspeedyou! Black emperor, ah, saya tak mau panjang lebar, langsung saja kunjungi myspace false awkening dan di sana kalian bisa mendonwload album ini secara gratis.

False Awkening established itself by julian, julian very much inspired by bands like Godspeedyou! Black Emperor, ah, I do not want to elaborate, just visit the myspace awkening false and there you can donwload this album for free.

Myspace , and you can download the album for free =)))